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There’s SNOW!!….. In the house???

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Its been a very long winter. The sun has graced us a little more lately… yesterday was such a day!

Must Be Apart of it!! Plans were quickly made for a play date in the afternoon at the park.

My kitchen was in much need of some love, but that sun… that glorious sun!

Screw the chores!

Dressed the twins and headed outside.

Sitting in the slightly damp grass, my babies surveyed the land. They quickly spotted the biggest, muddiest puddle they could get to within a turbo speed crawl.

“oh well.. builds immunity” I thought!

They played happily splashing and tasting rocks (which quickly were spat back out), giggling joyfully as the sun graced us with its joyous light and heat! Finally spring is here!!

We moved on to flowers and digging in the dirt… met a wasp who decided that my baby girls hand was a great place to land. Thankfully he was also filled with joy over the sun and decided not to sting her. Phew!

Our fun was slowing as nap time was approaching, so into the house we went for a nice warm bath. I let the other 4 kids know what I was going to do and headed upstairs to get them cleaned up. Dressed and nursed, one baby dozed off quickly.. lovely!

I hollered downstairs to let the kids know I was going to have a quick shower. Receiving 4 “ok moms” I proceeded to the shower. Set the awake baby up with some toys and sat him by the shower so I could keep an eye on him. Enjoyed my Long 7 min shower… tip: once you’re in the shower, hurriedly wash all body parts  and then enjoy until your called out. This way you are ready to jump out at a moments notice but get to enjoy it to the last possible second!!!

“Mommy there’s snow in the house”…

says my almost 4-year-old as I am drying off.

Before I’m able to inquire more I am met with a long drawn out “Mooooommmm” coming from my 10 year old daughter, “the boys dumped all the sugar on the floor”!

Deep breath!!!! ok… “why did you dump sugar all over” I asked in a calm and kind ton. All the while my insides are vibrating with a silent scream.

“because… because its fun!”  Sigh.. I’m sure it was…

The “snow” consisted of half the room being covered in an organic shimmering white crystal sugar, complete with a snowy mountain!  Well, no time to clean now. Quick lunch and off to the park we went.

The kids enjoyed hours of lovely sunny outside play, while I got some much-needed connection with other moms!

Packing up to go, I glance up to see the same snow making almost 4-year-old with his pants down by his ankles doing the Full Moon and peeing on a tree. I quickly revert my eyes to the task at hand, giggling to myself. Pretending not to see, avoiding eye contact with other moms in the park just hoping they don’t notice…


yelled my almost 4-year-old as he runs back to me with his pants half way up, tripping over himself as he struggles to pull his pants up the rest of the way. I smiled at him as I appointed each child with something to carry back to the car.

Safely in the car, headed home, I thought to myself, “What a great day!!… but, ohhhh man… still have that sticky mess to clean up…”

The evening was filled with restless cranky babies, dinner being made, bath and early bed for my babies which may have resulted in me crashing with them. So, needless to say the mess is still sitting there this morning.. a shimmering, sticky mess…

Yes, I choose to blog about it before cleaning it… lol!

Anyway, it’s a great day for cleaning as the rain is back today… babies are still napping, so off I go!